Annual Events 2025

You are invited to attend any or all of the following events.

We have a reduced programme of events this year unfortunately due to lack of members able to run events. We have had no Social Committee for some years now and it has now become impossible for the remaining committee members to put on a full programme of events so please support the events if possible.
Please let us know if you are able to help.

  • March Thursday 20th 
    ANNUAL LUNCH at Stowmarket Golf Club, Lower Road, Onehouse, Stowmarket, IP14 3DA.  A lovely occasion where both groups, Bury St. Edmunds and Long Melford, can get together. Numbers are limited so please book early. Tickets are £28 per person. There will be a Grand Draw and also entertainment by singer, Daniel McClelland.
  • April 30th Wednesday 30th
    A ‘GET TOGETHER’ LUNCH at the New Bury Community Centre, 1 Charles Place, Bury St. Edmunds IP32 6TD. This is part of the ‘Community Eating Together Programme’ and there will be a maximum of 40 places and the charge will be just £5 per person. We will be holding a raffle. Further details later.Raffle prizes would be welcome.
  • July Thursday 3rd
    STRAWBERRY TEA at Newton Green Village Hall, School Lane Newton CO10 0QS   Always a nice occasion to get together. 2pm – 4.30pm Tickets £10 will be available at both venues. Please come and support this event.
  • July Tuesday 8th
    UPBEAT AGM at Southgate Community Centre, Heron Rd. Bury St. Edmunds IP33 2QA 7pm prompt start. Please come and support the group. 
  • August  Wednesday - Monday  20th – 25th
    EAST ANGLIAN BEER FESTIVAL at St. Edmundsbury Cathedral. Each year we ask for volunteers to help out at the Beer Festival in various posts. A Volunteer form will be available nearer the time. The festivals profits all go to charity and because some of our member’s volunteer, Upbeat has been a recipient of donations for several years. If you would like to help out, please let us know. You can choose your day and length of time say for 1 hour or 2 hrs or all afternoon etc.  WE NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS TO HELP OUT.
  • December Thursday 4th
    CHRISTMAS LUNCH at Ashlar House, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AB Details to follow.
    CHRISTMAS LUNCH at Long Melford – date and details to follow.
    Easter: Friday 18th April – no Zoom meeting
    Monday 21st April – no classes
    May Day: Monday 5th May - no classes
    Spring Bank Holiday: Monday 26th May - no classes
    Summer Bank Holiday: Monday 25th August – no classes
  • CHRISTMAS 2025
    Last classes Long Melford: Tuesday 16th 
    Bury St Edmunds: Wednesday 17th December
    No classes during weeks commencing 22nd and 29th December
    Classes restart Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th January 2026
Members should continue to monitor this site or the notice-boards at the centres as there may be cancellations or additions to this list throughout the year.
If there are other events that interest you and you think there would be sufficient interest, please contact Sylvia Baker Tel: 01449 774333 or use our online form “Contact Us” or any committee member. If members would like to organise an event we would be happy to support and help you to set it up and to sell tickets.

Additions, changes or further details of times or costs etc. to the programme will be advised on your notice board and here on the Upbeat web site.

Other events are being looked at and will be advised in due course.
If you would like to be involved and help with the Upbeat Social and Fund Raising events please contact any Committee member.

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