Upbeat has been in existence since 1995 and in that time has benefited hundreds of cardiac patients and their carers. For many Upbeat has become an integral part of our life, providing health care and advice, carefully-tailored exercise programmes, and fun and friendship for almost thirty years. BUT ... it’s no exaggeration to say that the end of Upbeat may be in sight. You will have seen in other pages of this magazine that every day we run at a financial loss. No business would last long if its expenditure continuously exceeded its income. It would go down.

You will also have seen in this and previous issues of the magazine that more people are desperately needed to help organise and run the group. Our Chairman, Sylvia, and Secretary, Hilary, have both said they will definitely not continue in post after the next AGM. No business can continue without managers and staff to run it. No ship would sail very far without a crew. Upbeat is heading for the rocks unless someone steps up to take on these important administrative roles and others come forward to help with day-to-day tasks such as setting up at venues and clearing away, manning the front desks to check members in and receive payments, helping to run the Southgate coffee mornings which are so much enjoyed by some of our least-able members who cannot attend our classes, and, vitally, organising and running the fund-raising events which pay for the hire of venues and the wages of our dedicated nurses and instructors.

Can you help please? Your commitment doesn’t have to be for every session. Perhaps you could be a reserve for setting up or clearing away, or for staffing the front desk at Long Melford and New Bury. Numbers at the Southgate coffee mornings are never very high but there are members who attend regularly and who value the fortnightly get-together. Many have disabilities which make it difficult for them to make and serve the refreshments. Could you help with this once a fortnight, or even now and again so that the load doesn’t all fall on one person? At Long Melford Martyn Roper has steadfastly been behind the coffee counter for years, despite his failing health, but someone else is needed for such time as he is not able to do it.

In this magazine are reports on various social events Upbeat has held during the year and which lots of members have attended and enjoyed. Before any of these could take place a great deal of organising was needed and then at the event people had to arrange things and make sure everything went smoothly. We used to have a Social Committee which arranged such things but for some years now it has fallen to individual members to come up with ideas and put in all the groundwork. Is that something you could help with? As has been said above, it’s events like those you can read about in this issue which fund Upbeat’s existence.

Please don’t just read this and discard it. Ever since its inception Upbeat has been run entirely by volunteers. Don’t let it die now for want of people to come forward to help. We cannot manage the future without you, and without you Upbeat will cease to exist. Please speak to anyone on the committee if you can help in anyway.

If you are willing and able to help please call: Sylvia Baker on 01449 774333 or any Committee Member.

Thank you.

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