Making a Donation to Upbeat

Get the form by clicking the button below. Pop your form and donation in an envelope and post to Upbeat or take it along to one of our sessions, It's that simple.
Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we get an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue, helping your donation go further. This means that £100 can be turned into £125, just so long as donations are made through Gift Aid. Imagine what a difference that could make, and it doesn't cost you a thing. So if you want your donation to go further, Gift Aid it.

To enable Upbeat to achieve our aims and to offer support, exercise facilities, educational and social functions to heart patients and their carers in West Suffolk we need to continually raise money.

We have considerable professional fees, rents and general running expenses and we sincerely thank all committee members and helpers for the generous time and effort they give completely free of charge and for all members in supporting functions and raffles etc.

We are self financing and do not receive direct funding from the government, the NHS, BHF or anyone else, apart from the occasional grant for specific use. We therefore appreciate any and all donations that we receive from members, friends and business supporters. Perhaps if you do not exercise and therefore don’t contribute to our costs you might consider a small donation to alleviate some of the expense of items like the magazine and postal and stationery costs.

If you are able to make a donation to Upbeat we would be most grateful and if you pay income tax or capital gains tax, as a registered charity we can claim back currently 25p in every £1 that you give. To do this a Gift Declaration Form needs to be completed – just the once. Please ask for a form from any Committee member or use the link above to print your own It makes a great deal of difference to your donation and our funds!

Account name: Upbeat: Sort Code: 52-30-31 Account No: 52650456

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