Exercise Sessions

Supervised (BACR Phase lV) exercise sessions on Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays are held as follows:-

Bury St Edmunds
The Newbury Community Centre, 1 Charles Place, Bury St. Edmunds. 
IP32 6TD Access is via Westhorpe Avenue through to the rear of the housing estate. 
Two classes the first one starts at 9.45am. Second Class on a Monday Morning starts at 10.50 am. This is a Seated Class - If you find the first class a bit too much or you are less able, this is the class for you. Come along and try it out. The nurse is available for consultations.
 Two classes. The first class starts at 9.45am – 10.40am and the second class starts 10.50am - 11.45am. Both classes have good numbers. All Welcome. The nurse is available for consultation. 
No need to book but any queries please call Sylvia Baker 01449 774333
Friday Zoom Coffee Mornings 
11am. Come in to have a chat with us on Zoom. email: hils1947@yahoo.co.uk for joining instructions.
Long Melford
The Old School Community Centre, Hall Street, Long Melford, CO10 9DX
There is a public car park adjacent
Tuesday Mornings 
Two classes. The first class starts at 9.30am – 10.25am. The second class 10.40am – 11.35am. We have good regular numbers. No need to book - for details call Bill Kettyle 01787 310311 or Hilary 01359 232678

Separate exercise bands per individual are used; hand sanitisers are available.
 If you are new to Upbeat, please feel free to come along to one of our sessions and have a cup of tea and a friendly chat with us and see what we do. You will be very welcome.

All people with cardiac history who have attended the West Suffolk Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation Course will have been advised regarding the suitability of exercising with ‘Upbeat’, taking into account their medical condition.
We advise anyone who has not been the patient attending the West Suffolk Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation Course, or where you were the patient and a period of six weeks has elapsed since completion, to seek further advice from your GP regarding your suitability for exercise before starting sessions with ‘Upbeat’. You will understand, of course that ’Upbeat’ must reserve the right to refuse participation in Exercise Sessions.
Bury St Edmunds

The ‘Upbeat’ exercise sessions are supervised with Qualified Instructors and a Cardiac Adviser, but please remember:-


Please wear comfortable clothes and suitable footwear and remember you are not obliged to ‘keep up’. Reduce your pace if you feel stressed, make smaller movements and/or leave out arm movements. Above all enjoy it – you will certainly be better for it.

Pop in to have a look at what we do and how we enjoy it!

There is currently a charge of £5 per session towards class expenses – this includes a visit to the nurse, if necessary and a cup of tea/coffee.

Michelle Jermy - Exercise Instructor

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