On hearing the news regarding isolation for older adults & those individuals at risk my concerns went to thinking about their health & wellbeing. 12 weeks is a long time and if anyone does not move the decrease in health will be significant and other medical conditions could become prevalent or increase the prevalence as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.
Though I can never take away from actual interaction in person we have to work with the situation and do what we can. With this in mind the tutoring team & learners from The Core Academy plus the instructor team from Upbeat Heart Support have offered to supply home movement sessions with the aim to keep everyone moving & connected.
I cannot thank everyone who has contributed and offering to contribute in the near future. Together we are stronger and can provide much material. I truly hope this is just the start and as more and more come on board we will keep adding to the pre recorded collection and organise some live exercise sessions.
Please note: All videos will be with fitness professionals who hold or are working towards specific qualifications (chair, independent older adult, exercise referral & cardiac rehab).
Many fitness professionals are also running live sessions, you can find their details on the website & the Facebook Group.
Can I please invite you to SHARE the Youtube link and to encourage those on Facebook to join the private group so we can interact as much as possible.
Pleased to say our Campaign can be found on Keep Suffolk Moving. Many thanks to everyone who has supported us so far!
Stay well, stay safe, stay connected. Michelle Programme Manager